
TitleOrnithological miscellany
Original URLhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Ornithological_miscellany_(1876)_(14748526205...

Identifier: ornithologicalmi03rowl (find matches)
Title: Ornithological miscellany
Year: 1876 (1870s)
Authors: Rowley, George Dawson, 1822-1878 Keulemans, J. G. (John Gerrard), 1842-1912, ill Walther, T., lithographer Allen, Edgar W., lithographer Smith, J., lithographer Erxleben, J., lithographer Hanhart, Michael, printer of plates Hanhart, N, printer of plates Chase, Robert William, former owner. DSI Mackintosh, Duncan Robert, former owner. DSI Mintern Bros., printer of plates
Subjects: Birds Birds Birds
Publisher: London : Trübner and Co., Bernard Quaritch, R.H. Porter
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library

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my notes on them, and before the meeting announced thetitle I proposed. In due course these facts were recorded in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society (I. c). In the month of May 1872 Mr. Hume, having received specimens of the * In the British-Museum Catalogue (vol. i. Accipitres), page 200 is quoted in error. 2c 2 170 POLIOHIERAX INSIGNIS. same bird from Captain Feilden, described them as belonging to an unknownspecies, and bestowed the title of Lithofalco feildeni. To Captain Feilden we are indebted for valuable remarks on the variousphases of plumage this Falcon assumes, and for a full description of itshabits (/. c). Mr. Oates has also added to our knowledge of the species. From a zoo-geographical point of view, the occurrence of this bird inBurma is of the highest interest. It belongs to a genus the type and onlyother member of which occurs in Africa, P. semitorqiiatus (Smith). At present, P. insignis is only known as an inhabitant of North Burma. ^1w o g St—)ooh^o E-i o
Text Appearing After Image:
^ Ot- O Ww MPPuo I—I ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. (PTILONOPUS, Swains.).By Mr. G. D. ROWLEY. (Continued from p. 117.) PTILOPUS SPECIOSUS (Von Rosenberg) AND PTILONOPUS BELLUS (Sclater).(Plate CIV.) Ptilopus speciosus, Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. v. d. Dierk. iv. p. 23 (1871); Meyer, Sitzungsb.d. k. Akad. Wien, Ixx. p. 128 (1874); Rosenberg, Reistochten, p. 143, pi. xiv. fig. 1(1875) ; Salvador!, Prodr. Col. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. ix. p. 197 (1876). At the risk of tiring my readers, after having already figured severalPigeons, I cannot refrain from taking one more; for the richness of theMalay archipelago in this beautiful group appears to be inexhaustible, andP. speciosus equals and perhaps exceeds every other by the extraordinaryarrangement of its lovely colours. This bird is from the islands of Geelvink Bay, in the north of NewGuinea. It had already been discovered by Von Rosenberg, on the island ofMafoor, in the year 1869 ; nevertheless it is still rare in collections, and themale has bee

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