Revision of Myzomela nigrita from 2013-01-23 10:49

General description: 

Male nominate race is wholly glossy black, except for white axillaries and largely white underwing with silvery grey-brown trailing edge and tip, iris brown to light brown, bill black, thin yellowish gape on at least some, legs dark grey, sometimes tinged yellow, sole yellow. Female is smaller than male, plumage olive-brown to grey-brown, paler below, with reddish to rosy wash on forehead, lores, anterior cheek, and chin and upper throat. Juvenile undescribed, immature male appears to vary, some with head, neck and upper breast black with few scattered olive-brown flecks, merging to lack body strongly mottled with light olive-brown, and with brown-tinged black upperwing and tail, others entirely black except for small area of rose-red on chin, some like adult female, yet others apparently dark brown to grey-black with dull red to rufous forehead, immature female doubtfullz separable from adult in field. Races differ in plumage tona and pattern and in size.

Conservation status: 

Not threatened

Diagnostic description: 

Male nominate race is wholly glossy black, except for white axillaries and largely white underwing with silvery grey-brown trailing edge and tip, iris brown to light brown, bill black, thin yellowish gape on at least some, legs dark grey, sometimes tinged yellow, sole yellow. Female is smaller than male, plumage olive-brown to grey-brown, paler below, with reddish to rosy wash on forehead, lores, anterior cheek, and chin and upper throat. Juvenile undescribed, immature male appears to vary, some with head, neck and upper breast black with few scattered olive-brown flecks, merging to lack body strongly mottled with light olive-brown, and with brown-tinged black upperwing and tail, others entirely black except for small area of rose-red on chin, some like adult female, yet others apparently dark brown to grey-black with dull red to rufous forehead, immature female doubtfullz separable from adult in field. Races differ in plumage tona and pattern and in size.


VOICE: Main call a dry, high pitched “sit”or “zeet” given often, and incessantly by flock in flowering trees, Vocalization of race meyeri described as twittering and sibilant.


10-12 cm, male 8.3-10.8 g, two males 9 g and 10.5 g, male 9-11 g, and three females 8.3-0 g.


Taxonomy: Myzomela nigrita G. R. Gray, 1858, Aru Islands. In past, treated as conspecific with M. pammelaena and M. tristrami. Six subspecies recognized.


Subspecies and Distribution: * steini Stresemann & Paludan, 1932 - Waigeo I, in West Papuan Is. * pluto W. A. Forbes, 1879 - Meos Num I, in Geelvink Bay. * meyeri Salvadori, 1881 - Yapen I and W, N & E New Guinea. * nigrita G. R. Gray, 1858 - Aru Is and SC New Guinea (Eilanden R E to Fly R). * forbesi E. P. Ramsay, 1880 - D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago (Goodenough I, Fergusson I, Dobu I), off SE New Guinea. * louisiadensis E. J. O. Hartert, 1898 - Louisiade Archipelago (Woodlark I, Misima I, TagulaI), E of D’Entrecasteaux.


Hill and lower montane primary forest, forest edge and tall secondary growth, also in eucalyptus savanna woodland, and monsoon forest in parts of range. Throughout range mainly in foothills and lower mountains between c 500 m and 1000 m, but recorded also in lowlands, occurs olocally up to 1250 m. Not recorded abve 650 m.

Trophic strategy: 

Nectar and small arthropods, occasionally beriess. Specialist of upper parts of crowns of flowering trees. Sometimes descendent to lower levels at forest edge Often gathers in small parties of flowering trees, where frequently associated with other meliphagas and other bird species.


Female with possible nesting material seen chased by a male in lete Jul, six breeding birds in mar-Apr. No other info.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith