Revision of Timeliopsis griseigula from 2013-01-23 10:49

General description: 

Nominate race is olive brown above, with rufous tinge on uppertail-coverts, remiges and tail, off-white to buffy edges of remiges, underbody paler rufous, slightly darker posteriorly, underwing buff-brown with dark trailing edge and tip, iris red, red-orange, orange or red-brown, bill creamy to buff, with very base of culmen and lower mandible dark brown, legs pink. Sexes alike in plumage, male slightly larger than female. Juvenile is much as adult but with buffy tone throughout, birr dark brown to blackish and merging to cream or buff towards tip, iris dark grey to dark brown. Race fulviventris is more rufous than nominate, rufous-olive to rufous-brown above, sometimes stronger rufous tinge on rump and tail, buff-brown to pale rufous-brown belowe.

Conservation status: 

Not threatened

Diagnostic description: 

Nominate race is olive brown above, with rufous tinge on uppertail-coverts, remiges and tail, off-white to buffy edges of remiges, underbody paler rufous, slightly darker posteriorly, underwing buff-brown with dark trailing edge and tip, iris red, red-orange, orange or red-brown, bill creamy to buff, with very base of culmen and lower mandible dark brown, legs pink. Sexes alike in plumage, male slightly larger than female. Juvenile is much as adult but with buffy tone throughout, birr dark brown to blackish and merging to cream or buff towards tip, iris dark grey to dark brown. Race fulviventris is more rufous than nominate, rufous-olive to rufous-brown above, sometimes stronger rufous tinge on rump and tail, buff-brown to pale rufous-brown belowe.


VOICE: Main call a fairly loud, rapid, descending series of upslurres whistles “swee-swee-swee-swee-swee-swee-swee”second sylabe usually higher than first, typically accelerates towards end and fades. Mimic contact call of New Guinea Baler when in mixed flock.


18 cm, male 37-43 g and one female 34 g (nominate), 32 g (fulviventris).


Taxonomy: Euthyrhynchus griseigula Schlegel, 1871, Sorong, Vogelkop Peninsula, New Guinea. Racial identity of apparently isolated populations of Gogol R, on NE coast (Madang Province), and R Watut (Morobe Province), on NW coast of SE peninsula, not certain; tentatively placed in, respectively, nominate and fulviventris. Two subspecies recognized.


Subspecies and Distribution: * griseigula (Schlegel, 1871) - NW & N New Guinea, from Vogelkop and Bomberai Peninsula (including Kumawa Mts) E to Humboldt Bay and extending to foothills of S Weyland Mts, also isolated population in R Gogol area (Madang Province). * fulviventris (E. P. Ramsay, 1882) - SE New Guinea on lower R Watut (Morobe Province) and E from R Kumusi and, on S coast, from E Gulf Province.


Lowland and foothill primary forest, alos forest edge and tall secondary growth, sea-level to foothills, up to 800 m.

Trophic strategy: 

Arthropods, fruit, nectar and flowers, Forages from understorey to upper canopy, often in lower and middle strata.Often in mixed flocks with Rusty Pitohui and New Guinean Babbler.


Poorly known. Appears to breed in dry season to early wet season , and suggested as finishing late Jul to early Aug, juvenile male in early Aug, dependent fledglings and unspecific breeding noted early Nov.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith