Colluricincla umbrina

General description: 

Nominate race has crown and head side black to blackish- brown, upperparts dark brown; upperwing and tail dark brown; dusky brown below, throat greyer, belly slightly paler and browner; iris dark brownish- red; bill black; legs grey. Sexes alike. Juvenile undescribed. Race atra is darker than nominate, back about same colour as crown.

Conservation status: 

Not Threatened

Diagnostic description: 

Nominate race has crown and head side black to blackish- brown, upperparts dark brown; upperwing and tail dark brown; dusky brown below, throat greyer, belly slightly paler and browner; iris dark brownish- red; bill black; legs grey. Sexes alike. Juvenile undescribed. Race atra is darker than nominate, back about same colour as crown.


18- 19 cm; 46g


Taxonomy: Melanorhectes umbrinus Reichenow, 1915, Schraderberg, Sepik Mountains, New Guinea. Initially considered to be a whistler and named as Pachycephala tenebrosa; with transfer to present genus, latter name becomes preoccupied and is therefore replaced by current one. Two subspecies recognized. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)


Subspecies and Distribution:

    * atra ( Rothschild, 1931) - WC New Guinea on N slopes of Snow Mts from upper R Siriwo (Gebroeder Mts) E to R Idenburg. * umbrina ( Reichenow, 1915) - S slopes of Snow Mts from Weyland Mts E to Mt Goliath, Hindenburg Mts and Sepik Mts; isolated record from W Schrader Mts.

Forest and forest edges; known altitudinal range 1400- 2150 m.

Trophic strategy: 

Insects. Frequents substage and low shrubbery; perches and watches for prey for long periods.


Pair carrying nesting material in Dec. No other information.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith