Aegotheles albertisi

General description: 

Very variable and virtually indistinguishable. Voice: Call consist of 3 mournful whistles, each of them downslurred or at constant pitch. Series of squeaky "kee-kee" notes also described.

Conservation status: 

Not Threatened.

Diagnostic description: 

Very variable and virtually indistinguishable. Voice: Call consist of 3 mournful whistles, each of them downslurred or at constant pitch. Series of squeaky "kee-kee" notes also described.



18-20 cm, 36-40 g



    Aegotheles albertisi archboldi Rand, 1941, 2800 m altitude, 9 km north-east of Lake Habbema, New Guinea. Formerly treated as a race of A. albertisi, but is apparently a sibling species, replacing it at higher elevations (see page 253). Monotypic. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)


    C New Guinea: known only from Wissel Lakes area, Nassau Range, N slope of Mt Wilhelmina and Victor Emanuel Mts.

Mostly forest on mountains, extending to forest edges, edges and tree-fern savanna. From 800 up to 3700 m, alhtough in the relatively well-known E Highlands it occurs at 1385-2615 m.

Trophic strategy: 

Diet consist of insect but also includes a few earthworms. Detailes on hunting technique undescribed.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith