Not Threatened
Taxonomy: Manucodia comrii P. L. Sclater, 1876, Huon Gulf; error = Fergusson Island, D'Entrecasteaux Archipelago, New Guinea. May form a superspecies with M. chalybatus. Sympatric with M. keraudrenii on islands of Goodenough, Fergusson and Normanby, but hybridization unrecorded. Races poorly differentiated; species perhaps better treated as monotypic. Two subspecies currently recognized. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
Subspecies and Distribution:
- * trobriandi Mayr, 1936 - Trobriand Group (Kiriwina and Kaileuna), off SE New Guinea. * comrii P. L. Sclater, 1876 - D'Entrecasteaux Archipelago (Goodenough, Wagifa, Fergusson, Dobu and Normanby), off SE New Guinea.
Fruits and arthropods, but relative preference unknown. Foreges for arthropods at up to 15 m in middle storey. Joins mixed-species foragin, flocks of predominantrly black and/or, brown birds, including other birds-of-paradise, with or without Rusty Pitohuis and New Guinea Babblers.