Monachella muelleriana

General description: 

Nominate race has crown brownish- black, back pale grey, rump white; large white spot between base of upper mandible and eye; upperwing and tail brownish- black; neck side, throat and underparts white; iris dark brown; bill black; legs blackish- brown. Sexes similar. Juvenile lacks white facial spot, has feathers tipped with contrasting colour. Race coultasi is darker than nominate, with back and rump grey, paler light grey underparts, and lacks the white collar.

Conservation status: 

Not Threatened

Diagnostic description: 

Nominate race has crown brownish- black, back pale grey, rump white; large white spot between base of upper mandible and eye; upperwing and tail brownish- black; neck side, throat and underparts white; iris dark brown; bill black; legs blackish- brown. Sexes similar. Juvenile lacks white facial spot, has feathers tipped with contrasting colour. Race coultasi is darker than nominate, with back and rump grey, paler light grey underparts, and lacks the white collar.


14- 15 cm; 23- 28 g


Taxonomy: Genus close to Microeca, and possibly better merged with it. New Britain race may conceivably represent a separate species; further study required. Two subspecies currently recognized. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)


Subspecies and Distribution:

    * muelleriana (Schlegel, 1871) - New Guinea. * coultasi Mayr, 1934 - New Britain, in Bismarck Archipelago.

Fast- moving open rivers and streams with protruding boulders and sufficient vegetation- free space over them; mainly in hills and lower mountains to 1800 m, occasionally to 2100 m, also in lowlands, particularly near hills. Has been observed up to 100 m from stream.

Trophic strategy: 

Insects. Prey captured by making aerial sallies from exposed perch such as rock, exposed riverbed, fallen log, dead sang, overhanging branch, horizontal branch in nearby clearing or garden area; may occasionally take items from groung.


Nestling in early Aug, late Sept and early Nov and individuals in juvenile plumage mid- Oct to mid- Nov, indicating breeding during latter half of dry season (when river levels low), at least. Nest a neat shallow cup of thin rootlets and lichens on foundation of rootlets and mud, with moss on exterior, external diameter 9- 9,2 cm, height 6- 6,7 cm, internal diameter 6- 6,5 cm, depth c. 2- 2,5 cm; built around slender limb, once c. 2,5 m above water on ledge of large boulder (30 cm below its top, where grass was growing) in river. Clutch 2 eggs, one described as pale brown with darker brown patches. No other information available.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith