Pachycephala aurea

General description: 

Has crown, side of head and neck black, back, rump and uppertail- coverts yellow, upperwing and tail black; chin and side of throat black, centre of throat white, broad black breastband, remainder of underparts yellow; iris brown; bill black; legs dark grey. Sexes alike. Immature is similar to adult, but feathers of crown edged olive, upperparts yellow with olive wash.

Diagnostic description: 

Has crown, side of head and neck black, back, rump and uppertail- coverts yellow, upperwing and tail black; chin and side of throat black, centre of throat white, broad black breastband, remainder of underparts yellow; iris brown; bill black; legs dark grey. Sexes alike. Immature is similar to adult, but feathers of crown edged olive, upperparts yellow with olive wash.


15- 17 cm


Taxonomy: Pachycephala aurea Reichenow, 1899, Ramu River, New Guinea. A member of a species group that includes also P. orpheus, P. nudigula, P. meyeri, P. soror, P. lorentzi, P. schlegelii, P. implicata, P. pectoralis, P. caledonica, P. jacquinoti, P. flavifrons and P. melanura. Monotypic. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)



    New Guinea at scattered localities from Weyland Mts and S slopes of Snow Mts E to upper R Fly, Ok Tedi, Telefomin, R Nomad, middle R Sepik, upper R Ramu, L Kopiago, Nembi Valley, and a few localities in mountains of SE (including Garaina and Naoro).

Secondary growth, shrubs, tall canegrass or other vegetation fringing rivers or lakes, mixture of bushes and reedbeds; occasionally in Albizzia trees in tea plantations. Sea- level to 700 m; occasionally higher, to 1300 m at L Kopiago and 1460 m in Nembi Valley.

Trophic strategy: 

Insects. Forages mainly at 3- 7 m, sometimes higher or lower; behaviour reportedly as that of P. pectoralis.


No information

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith