Eulacestoma nigropectus

General description: 

Distinctive, with deep bill laternally compressed, upper mandible hooked. Male has top of head and upperparts ochraceous olive, more golden on forehead, face and scapulars, lores black, large circular rose- pinkwattle from gape to side of throat on each side; upperwing sooty black or blackish- brown, remiges edged olive- green, wing- covert sooty – black; tail blackish- brown, rectrices edged olive- green; chin and upper throat yellow, lower throat and breast black with olive feather fringes, remainder of undrparts olive- green; iris dark reddish- brown; bill sooty black; legs grey. Female lacks wattle, is ochraceous olive above, pale olive below, breast fainty barred whitish, iris brown, bill greyer. Juvenile is rusty chestnut above, wing- coverts rusty, remiges and rectrices edged with rusty chestnut, breast grey with rusty wash; immature like female, but retains juvenile wing- coverts.

Diagnostic description: 

Distinctive, with deep bill laternally compressed, upper mandible hooked. Male has top of head and upperparts ochraceous olive, more golden on forehead, face and scapulars, lores black, large circular rose- pinkwattle from gape to side of throat on each side; upperwing sooty black or blackish- brown, remiges edged olive- green, wing- covert sooty – black; tail blackish- brown, rectrices edged olive- green; chin and upper throat yellow, lower throat and breast black with olive feather fringes, remainder of undrparts olive- green; iris dark reddish- brown; bill sooty black; legs grey. Female lacks wattle, is ochraceous olive above, pale olive below, breast fainty barred whitish, iris brown, bill greyer. Juvenile is rusty chestnut above, wing- coverts rusty, remiges and rectrices edged with rusty chestnut, breast grey with rusty wash; immature like female, but retains juvenile wing- coverts.


12.5- 14 cm; 19- 22 g


Taxonomy: Eulacestoma nigropectus De Vis, 1894, Mount Maneao, south-east New Guinea. Affinities uncertain. A recent proposal separates present genus and Falcunculus in a narrow family Falcunculidae. Proposed race clara, from C ranges (Weyland Mts E to Mt Hagen and Kubor Mts), considered inseparable from populations elsewhere. Monotypic. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)



    C & E New Guinea from Weyland Mts E to mountains of SE.

Forest and adjoining areas with dense regrowth, mainly at 1950- 2850 m, locally down to 1250 m in SE. Frequents substage and midstage, particularly thickest of climbing bamboo.

Trophic strategy: 

Insects. Forages from understorey to middle stage, to c. 10 m, particularly in thickest of climbing bamboo. Gleans prey from surfaces of branches and twigs , especially broken tips when these dead and dry; removes bark by chipping and stripping, digs forcefully in bark and moss. Will lean with head downwards over limb to examine underside for prey. Often joins mixed-species feeding flocks.


Juveniles in May and late Jun and female in breeding condition in Jul, indicative of breeding during both wet and dry seasons. Incubation by male reported; role of female unknown, but presumably shares duty. No other information. NoT.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith