Male nominate race has crown, nape and side of head to below orbit black, upperparts dark olive-green; upperwing and tail dusky, all feathers edged olive; chin and throat white, band across upper breast and along side of throat joining back of head black, remainder of underparts yellow; iris dark red to dark brown; bill black; legs greyish to blackish. Female has crown grey- brown, side of head brown, upperparts olive- green, tail black, rectrices edged olive- green; throat white, faintly mottled with greyish, breastband yellowish- olive (broader than male´s and ill- defined), belly and undertail- coverts yellow. Juvenile is largely reddish- chestnut on body and on tips of wing- coverts and uppertail- coverts; immature like female, but retaining juvenile wing- coverts. Race octogenarii male has crown and site of head dark grey, breastband very narrow, rectrices edged olive, population in Fakfak Mts similar except for ochraceous posterior border of breastband; klossi has much broader breastband, with tail black in both sexes; bartoni has tail green with black shaft streaks; remota is similar to previous but somewhat larger, with underparts slightly richer yellow.
Male nominate race has crown, nape and side of head to below orbit black, upperparts dark olive-green; upperwing and tail dusky, all feathers edged olive; chin and throat white, band across upper breast and along side of throat joining back of head black, remainder of underparts yellow; iris dark red to dark brown; bill black; legs greyish to blackish. Female has crown grey- brown, side of head brown, upperparts olive- green, tail black, rectrices edged olive- green; throat white, faintly mottled with greyish, breastband yellowish- olive (broader than male´s and ill- defined), belly and undertail- coverts yellow. Juvenile is largely reddish- chestnut on body and on tips of wing- coverts and uppertail- coverts; immature like female, but retaining juvenile wing- coverts. Race octogenarii male has crown and site of head dark grey, breastband very narrow, rectrices edged olive, population in Fakfak Mts similar except for ochraceous posterior border of breastband; klossi has much broader breastband, with tail black in both sexes; bartoni has tail green with black shaft streaks; remota is similar to previous but somewhat larger, with underparts slightly richer yellow.
15 cm; 22- 27 g
Taxonomy: Pachycephala soror P. L. Sclater, 1874, Hatam, Arfak Mountains, New Guinea. A member of a species group that includes also P. orpheus, P. nudigula, P. meyeri, P. lorentzi, P. schlegelii, P. implicata, P. pectoralis, P. caledonica, P. jacquinoti, P. flavifrons, P. melanura and P. aurea. Races klossi and bartoni intergrade in Huon Peninsula and Central Highlands. Population in Fakfak Mts, included within octogenarii, almost certainly represents a further, as yet undescribed race, but no specimens available. Five subspecies currently recognized. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
Subspecies and Distribution:
- * soror P. L. Sclater, 1874 - Vogelkop (Tamrau Mts, Arfak Mts), in NW New Guinea. * octogenarii Diamond, 1985 - Bomberai Peninsula (Fakfak Mts, Kumawa Mts), in W New Guinea. * klossi Ogilvie-Grant, 1915 - mountain ranges of C New Guinea from Weyland Mts E to Bismarck Range and Kubor Mts, also Adelbert Mts and Huon Peninsula (Saruwaged Mts). * bartoni Ogilvie-Grant, 1915 - mountains of SE New Guinea, including Herzog Mts. * remota Mayr & Van Deusen, 1956 - mountains of Goodenough I, in D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago (off SE New Guinea).
Forest, forest edges and secondary growth at 350- 2450 m, mainly 1000- 2000 m (lower montane forest); at 550- 1300 m (occasionally down to 400 and up to 1450 m) in Kumawa Mts, and at 600- 1200 m, at least, in Fakfak Mts. Broadly overlaps with P. simplex and P. hyperythra at lower altitudes and with P. schlegelii at higher elevations. FOOD: Insects. Frequently lower and middle storeys of forest in about equal proportions, foraging in inner third of trees; on Bomberai Peninsula often in canopy above 9 m. Captures prey by gleaning from branches. Joins mixed- species foraging parties.
Insects. Frequently lower and middle storeys of forest in about equal proportions, foraging in inner third of trees; on Bomberai Peninsula often in canopy above 9 m. Captures prey by gleaning from branches. Joins mixed- species foraging parties.
Nest with eggs in Jan and laying female in Jun, indicative of breeding during both wet and dry seasons. Nest a small cup made from stems, leaves, some moss and spider web, placed 1,5- 6 m from ground in upright forked branch in small tree on horizontal branch in vine tangle. Clutch 1- 2 eggs, pinkish- cream, with dark brown and dark purple- grey blotches forming broad band around larger end, 23,8- 25,8 x 17,6- 18,2 mm. No other information.