Nominate race has broad white supercilium from slightly in front of eye to side of nape; crown and side of head black, upperparts dark grey; upperwing and tail black, white patches on outer webs of inner primaries and secondaries (forming bar on folded wing, broad stripe in flight); chin black, throat and underparts white; iris dark brown; bill black; legs whitish- brown. Sexes alike. Juvenile undescribed, probably much browner generally than adult. Race albotaeniata is darker than nominate, has smaller black chin patch; dumasi is like nominate but upperparts black.
Not Threatened
Nominate race has broad white supercilium from slightly in front of eye to side of nape; crown and side of head black, upperparts dark grey; upperwing and tail black, white patches on outer webs of inner primaries and secondaries (forming bar on folded wing, broad stripe in flight); chin black, throat and underparts white; iris dark brown; bill black; legs whitish- brown. Sexes alike. Juvenile undescribed, probably much browner generally than adult. Race albotaeniata is darker than nominate, has smaller black chin patch; dumasi is like nominate but upperparts black.
14- 15 cm; 25 g
Taxonomy: Leucophantes brachyurus P. L. Sclater, 1874, Andai, north-west New Guinea. Three subspecies recognized. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
Subspecies and Distribution:
- * brachyura (P. L. Sclater, 1874) - W New Guinea (Vogelkop, Wandammen Mts, Weyland Mts). * albotaeniata (A. B. Meyer, 1874) - Yapen I and R Mamberanao, in N New Guinea. * dumasi Ogilvie-Grant, 1915 - N New Guinea from Humboldt Bay E to R Sepik.
Forest in lowlands and foothills, to 650 m.
Insects. Frequents lower and middle stages of forest. Reportedly forages by aerical flycatching.