Pachycephalopsis hattamensis

General description: 

Nominate race has crown and hindneck and side of head to below eye grey, lores white, back olive- green, uppertail- coverts rusty brown; flight- feathers dark brownish- grey, edged reddish- brown to olive- brown on outer webs, lesser and median upperwing- coverts olive- green; tail dark brownish- grey, rectrices edged reddish- brown to olive- brown; chin, upper throat and malar region white; underparts yellowish- olive, clearer and more yellow on lower abdomen, undertail- coverts orange, axillaries olive; iris pale grey; bill black; legs grey. Sexes alike. Juvenile undescribed. Race ernesti has breast darker green, with grey wash on upper part; insularis similar to previous, but white on chin reduced, uppertail- coverts olive (not brown), tail darker; axillaris has underparts paler, axillaries more yellow; lecroyae is darker overall, with throat white, lower breast lacking grey wash, undertail- coverts more orange, axillaries more olive.

Conservation status: 

Not Threatened

Diagnostic description: 

Nominate race has crown and hindneck and side of head to below eye grey, lores white, back olive- green, uppertail- coverts rusty brown; flight- feathers dark brownish- grey, edged reddish- brown to olive- brown on outer webs, lesser and median upperwing- coverts olive- green; tail dark brownish- grey, rectrices edged reddish- brown to olive- brown; chin, upper throat and malar region white; underparts yellowish- olive, clearer and more yellow on lower abdomen, undertail- coverts orange, axillaries olive; iris pale grey; bill black; legs grey. Sexes alike. Juvenile undescribed. Race ernesti has breast darker green, with grey wash on upper part; insularis similar to previous, but white on chin reduced, uppertail- coverts olive (not brown), tail darker; axillaris has underparts paler, axillaries more yellow; lecroyae is darker overall, with throat white, lower breast lacking grey wash, undertail- coverts more orange, axillaries more olive.


15 cm; 33- 35 g


Taxonomy: Pachycephala hattamensis A. B. Meyer, 1874, Hatam, Arfak Mountains, 3550 feet [c. 1080 m], north-west New Guinea. Affinities of genus uncertain; has in the past been associated with whistler genus Pachycephala, and sometimes merged with it. Placement within current subfamily somewhat tentative; further research required. Five subspecies recognized. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)


Subspecies and Distribution:

    * hattamensis (A. B. Meyer, 1874) - Vogelkop (Tamrau Mts, Arfak Mts), in NW New Guinea. * ernesti E. J. O. Hartert, 1930 - W New Guinea (Wandammen Mts). * insularis Diamond, 1985 - Yapen I, in Geelvink Bay. * axillaris Mayr, 1931 - WC New Guinea (Gauttier, Weyland, Nassau and Oranje Mts). * lecroyae Boles, 1989 - Mt Sisa, in Southern Highlands Province (E New Guinea).

Hill forest and lower montane forest, mainly at 760- 1650 m, locally to 2000 m. Where sympatric with P. poliosoma, usually replaces that species above 975 m.

Trophic strategy: 

Insects. Forages in low substage and on ground, particularly in areas with abundant ferns and tall herbs.


Uncompleted nest found; composed of moss, placed c. 0,5 m from ground and well hidden in bend of liana. No other information.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith