Lonchura monticola

General description: 

Adults: forehead and forecrown black, shading into blackish brown on nape; back dark earth-brown with a chestnut tinge; lower rump and upper tail-coverts pale yellow; central tail feathers broadly, others narrowly edged yellow; face, sides of neck, chin and upper throat black; breast whitish, faintly mottled with reddish brown and bordered posterior by a black band which continues down the flanks as ŕ stripe of blotched black and white; abdomen white; thighs and under tail-coverts black; iris dark; bill grey; feet grey-brown.

Conservation status: 

Not Threatened

Diagnostic description: 

Adults: forehead and forecrown black, shading into blackish brown on nape; back dark earth-brown with a chestnut tinge; lower rump and upper tail-coverts pale yellow; central tail feathers broadly, others narrowly edged yellow; face, sides of neck, chin and upper throat black; breast whitish, faintly mottled with reddish brown and bordered posterior by a black band which continues down the flanks as ŕ stripe of blotched black and white; abdomen white; thighs and under tail-coverts black; iris dark; bill grey; feet grey-brown.


Taxonomy: Munia monticola De Vis, 1897, Mount Scratchley, Owen Stanley Range, New Guinea. Name myolae is a junior synonym of present species name. Sometimes considered conspecific with L. montana, but its relationships may be with another member of genus. Monotypic. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)



    Wharton and Owen Stanley Ranges (E to Myola grasslands), in SE New Guinea.

High mountains of south-eastern New Guinea. In the alpine grasslands and among rocks up to near the top of the highest peaks, this alpine finch was common.

Trophic strategy: 

Their diet mainly consists of grass seeds and weeds, but they also have a fondness for insects.  

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith