Ptilinopus rivoli

General description: 

Predominantly dark green with a slight golden tinge, forehead and forecrown purplish red, a large white or cream-coloured half-moon shaped patch on breast, elongated oval purple patch in centre of belly, vent and undertail-coverts bright yellow, dark blue centres to scapulars forming spots, bill greenish yellow to yellow, legs reddish. Female green all over, except for yellow vent and undertail coverts. Juvenile green all over, with yellow fringes to feathers of wing, breast and underparts, juvenile males may have traces of adult.

Conservation status: 

Not Threatened.

Diagnostic description: 

Predominantly dark green with a slight golden tinge, forehead and forecrown purplish red, a large white or cream-coloured half-moon shaped patch on breast, elongated oval purple patch in centre of belly, vent and undertail-coverts bright yellow, dark blue centres to scapulars forming spots, bill greenish yellow to yellow, legs reddish. Female green all over, except for yellow vent and undertail coverts. Juvenile green all over, with yellow fringes to feathers of wing, breast and underparts, juvenile males may have traces of adult.



22-26 cm, 135-162 g



    Columba Rivoli Prévost, 1843, Duke of York Island. Considered to be closely related to P. solomonensis, and allied to the P. viridis superspecies. Race bellus has sometimes been considered a separate species, as, less often, has miquelii. Five subspecies recognized. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)

Subspecies and Distribution:

    * prasinorrhous G. R. Gray, 1858 - Moluccas, Schildpad Is, Aru Is, W Papuan Is and some islands in Geelvink Bay. * bellus P. L. Sclater, 1874 - New Guinea, Karkar I and Goodenough I. * miquelii (Schlegel, 1873) - Meos Num I and Yapen I in Geelvink Bay. * rivoli (Prévost, 1843) - Bismarck Archipelago. * strophium Gould, 1850 - Egum Atoll in Trobriand Is and Louisiade Archipelago.

Inhabits primary rain forest, and sometimes secondary growth. Found in the mountains on large islands and near sea-level on small islands. On mainland at 1000-3260 m.

Trophic strategy: 

Diet consists of seeds, fallen fruits and insect.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith