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Ailuroedus buccoides Temminck, 1836
Family: PtilonorhynchidaeGenus: Ailuroedus
White-eared Catbird
Other common names: White-throated/Barbetlike/Least Catbird
Taxonomy: Kitta buccoides Temminck, 1836, Lobo, Triton Bay, New Guinea. Birds from Waigeo included in
nominate race, but sometimes separated as oorti. Four subspecies recognized.
Crown a variable mid brown to olive-brown with green wash. Below and behind eye, side of lower head and throat mostly whitish. Upper neck, buff with large black feather tips, forming a broad spotted collar. Wing and tail green with a conspicious terminal spot on the outer vane of each secondary. Inner vanes of fligt feathers dark brown. Underving coverts variously buff-yellow, washed dilute cinnamon, but primary coverts darker. Undertail darker than underwing. Remaining underparts buffy to ochreous, sharply contrasted with black feather tipping of spots particularly on the breast. Iris deep blood red, bill whitish washed grey-blue, and feet blue-grey.