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Casuarius bennetti Gould, 1857
Family: CasuariidaeGenus: Casuarius
Dwarf Cassowary
Other common names: Bennett's Cassowary
Dwarf cassowaries are the smallest of the cassowaries. They measure about 99 to 135 cml when measured to the top of the head and weigh around 18 kg. Their plumage is black and coarse, while their feathers are similar to drooping bristles. Dwarf cassowaries have wings that are much reduced and they are flightless. The head and neck are lacking in feathers and are blue and red in color. The top of their head is crowned with a horny “casque,” which is similar to a bony helmet. Dwarf cassowaries, unlike their near relatives, do not have colored wattles of flesh hanging from their necks. Their legs do not have feathers and are solid and powerful. Dwarf cassowaries have three toes and the innermost toe has an enlarged claw, which can be up to 10 cm in length. Females and males are monomorphoric, although females are larger than males.