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Charmosyna placentis Temminck, 1835
Family: PsittacidaeGenus: Charmosyna
Colourization Adult: C.p. placentis: male-green/yellow forecrown; rump has dark blue patch; dull red lores, cheeks and upper throat; purple/blue ear coverts with pale blue streaking; red underwing coverts to sides of breast and reaching to flanks; yellow band under the wings; green tail tipped with yellow, the centre tail feathers red toward tips; lateral tail feathers have red at base. Bill red. Eye yellow. Female-darker green forecrown; red markings instead green; dull blue/black ear coverts with strong yellow streaks; rump has dark blue patch. C.p. intensior: both adults blue patch on rump smaller. C.p. ornata: both adults blue patch on rump larger; male the red of upper throat extends to lower. C.p. subplacens: both adults as in placentis, but blue on rump absent. C.p. pallidior: both adults as in subplacens, but in general plumage paler, especially the blue ear coverts of the male. Colourization Juvenile: C.p. placentis: as in adult female but males have some red on lores and green/yellow on forecrown. Bill brown. Eye yellow/brown. Call: Calls are described as shrill and high-pitched staccato notes. Also described as harsh.