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Chlamydera cerviniventris Gould, 1850
Family: PtilonorhynchidaeGenus: Chlamydera
Plumage is brownish-olive above, slightly paler and greyer on crown, with pale dirty off-white to buff shaft streaks and spotting on feather centres and tips, latter more buff on rump and upper nail-coverts; forehead, lores, side of face and neck irregularly marked with off-whitish streaking and feather tipping; flight-feathers and tail like upperparts, primaries, secondaries and tertials with pale buff leading edges, rectrices with similarly pale outer edging and broad tips; chin, throat and chest pale buff, feathers broadly edged dusky grey-brown to produce streaking, especially across chest; remaining underparts clean pale cinnamon; underside of flight-feathers pale brownish-grey; in worn plumage, lacks larger pale tips on back and wing-covert feathers: iris dark brown; bill blackish; legs greyish-brown to blackish. Sexes alike in plumage, male slightly heavier than female. Juvenile undescribed; immature first-year plumage distinguished from adult by rounder outer web of first primary, more crown spotting, and more fulvous colour of back spotting: subadult like adult.