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Crateroscelis murina von Spix, 1825
Family: AcanthizidaeGenus: Crateroscelis
Gende language: Topul; Kausi language: Kiasi, Bundi language: Sila
Male nominate race has top of head black, upper parts, including upper wing and tail, dark olive-brown or rufous-brown, slightly more rufous on upper tail-coverts; throat white, underparts dull rufous brown; iris scarlet or red; bill black, pinkish lower mandible; legs pale pinkish, or with grey feet. Female is similar to male but duller, with crown and lores brownish (not black). Juvenile has brown iris and dark brown bill. Races differ in biometrics (nominate quite large, wing 61 mm) and some plumage features: monacha is similar to nominate, but white below except for fawn on lower throat and brownish breast side and flanks; pallida has crown olive-brown, much white on underparts; capitalis has brown crown and ochraceous underparts, small size (wing 57 mm); fumosa has blackish-brown crown and ochraceous underparts, smallest race (54 mm).