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Crateroscelis robusta De Vis, 1898
Family: AcanthizidaeGenus: Crateroscelis
Male nominate race is dark brown above, including upperwing and tail, with rufous wash on uppertail-coverts; chin and throat white, straw-coloured, pinkish orange or orange-brown; bill brown, legs grey-brown. Female is similar to male or duller. Juvenile resembles adult, but underparts van be reddish-brown or grey-brown, iris dark brown or grey-brown. Races vary markedly in colour and pattern, with two broad groups, those with grey underparts and those without: deficiens resembles nominate but deeper brown above, uppertail-coverts less rufous, underparts greyish, lacks slaty breastband; peninsularis is like previous, but more white on breast; ripleyi is like last, but greyish-toned, less rufou-brown, above; sanfordi is slightly larger, rich brown to olive-brown above, dull rufous-brown below (more like C. murina bud duller); bastille is like last, but upperparts dull dark olive, underparts slightly paler, with less contrast between light throat and darker breast and belly.