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Erythrura trichroa Kittlitz, 1833
Family: EstrildidaeGenus: Erythrura
Erythrura trichroa Kittlitz, 1833
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Blue-faced Parrotfinch
At 12 cm the blue-faced parrot finch is one of the biggest parrot finches. Only the Papuan parrot finch which is very similiar, is bigger. The difference between male and female is sometimes difficult to see, though generally the blue color on the female's head is duller and less extensive than the male's, but the 100% guarantee of the male is when it sings. With some sub species in the wild and also as a result of interbreeding in aviculture, the differences between male and female become harder to see. Generally the bird has to be stronly built. They are predominantly green with an almost yellow abdomen, a blue head with blue sides and a red lower rump and upper tail coverts. The eyes and feet are brown and the beak is black.