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Goura victoria Fraser, 1844
Family: ColumbidaeGenus: Goura
Goura victoria Fraser, 1844
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Victoria/White-tipped Goura, White-tipped Crowned-pigeon
Crowned-pigeons are the largest pigeons in the world, immediately distinguished by the spectacular crest of lacy feathers on their heads, for which they earn their common name. Widely regarded as ranking amongst some of the most handsome of all pigeons, the Victoria crowned-pigeon is a large steely blue-grey bird with deep maroon plumage below, a pale grey wing patch and striking red eyes. However, the true splendour of this bird comes from the magnificent adornment of its white-tipped, fan-shaped crest, so large and beautiful that it has sadly attracted widespread hunting of the species.