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Limosa limosa Linnaeus, 1758
Family: ScolopacidaeGenus: Limosa
Limosa limosa Linnaeus, 1758
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Black-tailed Godwit
The legs are dark grey, brown or black. The sexes are similar, but in breeding plumage, they can be separated by the male's brighter, more extensive orange breast, neck and head. In winter, adult Black-tailed Godwits have a uniform brown-grey breast and upperparts (in contrast to the Bar-tailed Godwit's streaked back). Juveniles have a pale orange wash to the neck and breast. In flight, its bold black and white wingbar and white rump can be seen readily. When on the ground it can be difficult to separate from the similar Bar-tailed Godwit, but the Black-tailed Godwit's longer, straighter bill and longer legs are diagnostic.[3][4] Black-tailed Godwits are similar in body size and shape to Bar-tailed, but stand taller.