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Malurus grayi Wallace, 1862
Male nominate race has crown and forehead mottled, with blue- tipped charcoal feathers; sky- blue brown from bill to back of head, black band from lores to nape collar, long lanceolate sky- blue ear- tufts; mantle and scapulars smoky blue, grading to royal blue on lower back; upperwing and tail grey- brown; below, pale sky- blue; iris dark brown; bill long,broad and flattened, black; legs brown. Female is like male except for solid charcoal- coloured crown and forehead, white belly. Immature is cinnamon- brown above, with face and malar stripe dusky, ear- tufts tawny breast and white belly; becomes blue first on brown, then on lower back and breast. Race campbelli is smaller than nominate, has crown and forehead black, and back brown.