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Manucodia jobiensis Salvadori, 1876
Family: ParadisaeidaeGenus: Manucodia
Large paradisaeid with slightly graduated tail; base of culmen slightly broadened and flattened (far less so than in congeners except M. keraudrenii). Has blue-black head and neck with iridescent blue-green tipping on smooth feathering, plum-purple gloss in some lights; nape, neck, chin and throat distinctly barred (iridescent tips contrast with dark matt feather portions); mantle, back, rump and uppertail-coverts blue with iridescent violet-purple gloss and magenta sheen, all barred with broad matt black feather tipping; uppertail deep blue-black, uniformly glossed rich violet-purple magenta sheens,rectrices with tine hair-like central points; upper breast as mantle but less purple, lower breast, belly and thighs with iridescence progressively even less purple, more green-blue, vent and undertail-coverts matt brownish-black with subtle green-blue gloss; iris blood-red, bill dark grey to black, legs black. Sexes similar. Adult female on average smaller and duller then male. Juvenile has downy upperside and underside, throat and crown brownish-black, crown more matt blackish to dull sooty black, upperwing and tail progressively coloured and glossy with age; immature like adult but duller.