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Melidectes fuscus De Vis, 1897
Family: MeliphagidaeGenus: Melidectes
26-29 cm, male 74-84 g and two females 61-69 g (nominate). Male 72-96 g and female 56-72 g. Nominate race has forehead white, rest of head and neck dusty black brosn, merging into brownish-grey on hindneck, side of neck and lower throat, with large area of light green to pale greenish-yellow or pale yellow bares kin around eye, bordered by small superciliary tuft of bright yellow, and with small yellowstreak at rear edge of ear-coverts, long pale yellow to pale greenish-white gape wattle extending across malar area to side of upper throat, bordered belowe by narrow and wispy whitish submoustachial stripe, small orange-red wattle behind gape wattle on side of lower throat, upperparts dark brown, slightly darker upperwing and tail, wing broad yellow to olive edges on greater coverts and all except outer remiges, rectrices also broadly edged yellow-olive, underbody grey-brown, mottled or roughly barred wit off-white to light brownish-grey, undertail coverts rich chestnut-brown, undertail dark-olive-brown, slightly paler on coverts and paler across bases of remiges, iris dark brown to blackish-brown, bill pale steely blue or pale blue-grey, legs steely blue-grey to very pale blue, soles yello. Sexes alike in plumage, male larger than female. Juvenile undescribed. Race thomasi is like nominate, except for black forehead.