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Microdynamis parva Salvadori, 1876
Family: CuculidaeGenus: Microdynamis
Microdynamis parva Salvadori, 1876
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Dwarf Koel, Black-capped Koel
Adult male brown above, crown and malar streak glossy black, white stripe below eye, underparts rich buff to buffy- white; iris black, bill black. Female brown, whitish stripe below eye, throat grey, iris red or hazel, feet blue- grey to black. Immature male has charcoal- grey throat stripe, brown crown. Juvenile like adult female, back feathers slightly barred (buff tip, blackish subterminal, brown base), outer webs of wing indiscinctly barred rufous, eye- stripe distinct. Race grisescens much greyer above and below. Voice: One song medium to high pitch, series of resonant upslurred whistled notes, “oouei touei touei ...”. 1/sec; another a rapid series of downslured notes, rising in pitch and levelling at end.