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Myzomela adolphinae Salvadori, 1876
Family: MeliphagidaeGenus: Myzomela
Tiny myzomela, and smallest honeyeater. Male is distinctive but somewhat variable, mostly dark grey to dusky black, merging to off-white on belly, flanks vent and undertail-coverts, with red to bright red hood marked with blackish loral stripe continuous with blackish ring around eye and short diffuse and narrow dusky line or smudge behind eye, bright red rump and uppertail-coverts, dark grey uppertail, upperwing dark brownish-grey, darker than mantle, back and scapulars, greater wing-coverts finely margined paler brown, remiges with fine olive-brown outer edges, iris blackish brown to black, bill black, sometimes merging to yellowish base or basal tomia of lower mandible, bape black or yellowish, legs dark greenish or yellowish-grey. Female is largely olive-grey, merging to paler dirty white off-white on belly and flanks to undertail-coverts, with diffuse reddish wash in malar area, lower ear-coverts, chin and upper throat, diffuse pale eyering, yellowish-olive fringes on median and secondary coverts and pale yellowish outer edges on remiges, some may show faint reddish or rufous tone on head, gape pale yellow. Juvenile and immature undescribed.