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Myzomela erythrocephala Gould, 1840
Family: MeliphagidaeGenus: Myzomela
Male nominate race has dark red hood marked with narrow black loral stripe continuous with thin black ring around eye, sooty brown upperparts, dark red on rump and uppertail-coverts, red of hood and rear upperbody often patchily mottled black, uppertail and upperwing blackish-brown, tertials and median and greater secondary coverts with narrow grey fringes, remiges with thin grey edges sooty-brown band across upper breast grading into light brownish-grey below, undertail dark grey, underwing dark grey with mostly white lining, iris dark brown, bill black or blackish-brown, sometimes brown or pink-brown basal half of lower mandible, gape black or yellowish, legs dark grey to brown r black, soles yellow. Female is smaller than female, has head, neck and upperbody grey-brown, merging to paler grey-brown on lower throat, and with obvious pink-red forehead, anterior ear-coverts, malar area, chin and upper throat and sometimes a few dark pink-red flecks on crown and uppertail-coverts, uppertail and upperwing dark brown, fringes and edges as for male although edges of remiges can be slightly paler, breast light grey-brown, grading slightly paler on lower underbody, and merging to off-white in centre of belly, bare parts as for male, gape yellowish. Juvenile is very like female, but rump and uppertail-coverts slightly paler and distinctl warmer brown than rest of upperbody, fringes of secondary coverts and tertials broader and light brown, pink-red on face sometimes much fainter, base of lower mandible yellowish, yellow gape initially swollen, and iris and legs possibly paler, immature male not well known.