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Neopsittacus musschenbroekii Schlegel, 1871
Family: PsittacidaeGenus: Neopsittacus
Colourization Adult: N.m. musschenbroekii: both adults in general green; olive/brown crown and nape, streaked with dull yellow; olive/brown hindneck and cheeks, the cheeks streaked pale green; red throat to centre of abdomen; red underwing coverts and underwing band; green uppertail tipped with yellow, orange/yellow undertail with red at base of lateral feathers. Bill pale yellow. Eye red. N.m. medius: both adults as in musschenbroekii, but larger in size; more yellow streaking on cheeks. N.m. major: both adults as in medius, but plumage in general paler; red underparts; green/yellow streaking on cheeks. Colourization Juvenile: N.m. musschenbroekii: in general duller than adults; green throat and upper breast marked with red; green lower breast. Bill pale brown tipped with yellow. Cere yellow. N.m. medius: as in adults. Call: Calls made when perched are two-syllable screeches, the second note being lower than the first. Also musical three-note calls with downward inflection. Call notes lower-pitched, nasal and hollow sounding.