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Pandion haliaetus Savigny, 1809
Family: AccipitridaeGenus: Pandion
Pandion haliaetus Savigny, 1809
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Osprey, Fish Hawk
They are bright white underneath, with dark brown patches at the carpal joints and a mottled dark brown necklace. Other identifying markings include a dark stripe through each eye, and a dark brown back. The feet of this species are pale blue-gray, and the beak is black. Juvenile ospreys resemble adults, but have a somewhat speckled appearance due to buff-colored tips on their dark brown upper-wing and back coverts and a less well-defined necklace. Juveniles also have an orange-red iris, rather than the yellow iris that is typical of adults. Juvenile plumage is replaced by adult plumage by 18 months of age. On average, while not necessarily longer, female ospreys are 20% heavier than males and have a wingspan that is 5 to 10% greater.