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Peneoenanthe pulverulenta Bonaparte, 1850
Family: PetroicidaeGenus: Peneoenanthe
Nominate race has lores black, ear- coverts dark smoky grey; crown to rump dark smoky grey, uppertail- coverts black; upperwing brownish- black, small diffuse white spot near bases of inner primaries and secondaries (not visible on folded wing, forming inconspicious stripe in flight); tail black- brown, all except central rectrices with white bases ( about basal half white on outer four pairs); chin, cheek and throat white, breast to flanks with greyish wash, belly and undertail- coverts white; iris dark brown; bill black; legs black or dark grey. Sexes alike. Juvenile has head and upperparts dark brown with pale shaft streaks, upperwing- coverts tipped dark buff, underparts off- white with brown feather tips, bill horn- brown; immature similar to adult, but has pale edges on wing- coverts and secondaries. Race leucura has head and neck much lighter and greyer than nominate, not contrasting with back, breast strongly washed grey; cinereiceps is similar to previous, but upperparts browner; alligator has crown, neck and ear- coverts much blacker, contrasting with upperparts, pale grey wash on breas.