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Poecilodryas placens Ramsay, EP, 1879
Family: PetroicidaeGenus: Poecilodryas
Has dark grey head, olive- green upperparts; upperwing dusky brown, remiges narrowly edged olive- green, tail dusky brown; chin and upper throat dark grey, throat side and underparts bright yellow, dark olive- green breast- band; iris dark brown; bill black; legs pale yellow to orange. Sexes alike. Juvenile is apparently entirely or largely rufous (based on colour or residual nestling feathers on some specimens); immature as adult, but retaining juvenile upperwing- coverts. Voice: Song of 5 bell- like notes, first 2 slightly shorter than next 3, which run together, ”tu- tu- tootootoo”. Possible agonistic call 7 fairly loud, cicada- like vibrating and whining notes; also rapid ”poptidipop- tidipop- tidipop” whistle, apparently during territorial disputes; also 2- note whistle, ”wouw- wouw”.