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Psittacella brehmii Schlegel, 1871
Family: PsittacidaeGenus: Psittacella
Colourization Adult: P.b. brehmii: male-dark brown head, tinted olive; sides of neck have yellow line; green upperparts, with black barring; green breast; red undertail coverts; green tail. Bill blue/grey tipped with white. Eye red. Female-yellow line down sides of neck absent; yellow breast, with black barring. P.b. intermixta: both adults as in brehmii, but with more yellow underparts; paler olive/brown throat and sides of head. Larger in size. P.b. pallida: male-plumage is variable, but as in brehmii, and more yellowish upperparts and underparts; abdomen has blue suffusion on some birds. Female-differs from brehmii by having yellow flanks and sides of abdomen with black barring; more yellow upperparts and underparts. P.b. harterti: male-as in intermixta, but less yellow underparts; paler head with more olive colour. Smaller in size. Female-as in intermixta, but less yellow underparts; light black barring on flanks and sides of dull yellow abdomen. Smaller in size. Colourization Juvenile: P.b. brehmii: as in adult female but with orange/red undertail coverts, the feathers tipped yellow/green. Eye yellow/brown. Call: Calls not often heard; when disturbed deep, short notes; also two-syllable harsh notes, some downslurred.