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Ptilorrhoa castanonota Salvadori, 1876
Family: EupetidaeGenus: Ptilorrhoa
Male nominate race has broad blue supercilium from side of forehead to posterior ear- coverts and neck side, black on lores and as broad stripe through orbit to ear- coverts, and continuing as black border of white chin and throat; forehead blue, crown reddish- brown, mantle and upper back chestnut, remainder of upperparts blue; remiges dark grey- black, inner primaries with bluish tinge on outer webs, secondaries entirely blue on outer webs; tail blue; underparts blue, undertail- coverts tipped black; iris dark brown; bill black; legs dark grey- brown. Female is similar to male, but upperparts to uppertail- coverts chestnut, blue supercilium narrower. Juvenile is mainly dull brown, with white throat. Race gilliardi male resembles nominate, female is darker, crown almost black, back more olivaceous, underparts duller, feathers of lower belly tipped white; saturata is similar to nominate, but back much darker and underparts washed with purple; burgersi is similar to pervious, but upperparts brighter and underparts paler; par is also similar, but anterior edge of mantle brighter chestnut, female with whitish to pale blue supercilium; pulchra is larger, with duller crown, female has creamy supercilium and black undertails- coverts with white tips; uropygialis has supercilium blue, female with lower back blue.