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Sericulus aureus d'Albertis & Salvadori, 1879
Family: PtilonorhynchidaeGenus: Sericulus
Generally like S. aureus, but slightly smaller, shorter-tailed, and lacking black facial mask, and with bill finer, paler and slightly longer. Male has crown, nape and mantle rich and dark glossy flame-scarlet, gloss reflecting white highlights; chin and throat deep yellow; elongate deep orange upper neck plumage (may fall to either side of neck) and mantle become increasingly suffused with orange, and mid-back to uppertail-coverts deep yellow; upperwing mostly brilliant deep yellow, small area of black spotting just above carpal joint (forming black patch); uppertail black, fine yellow edging on some or all rectrices, very faint yellow tips (can be lacking); underparts deep yellow, paler than upperparts, undertail-coverts more pale and washed out: iris bright yellow; bill pale grey; legs blackish. Female is similar in size to male, except for longer tail; plumage radically different, olive-brown above, redder about head, orange-yellow below, chin to upper breast washed olive-brown, slightly darker feather edging on chest feathers (forming only faint scalloping), iris dark brown. Newly fledged juvenile has crown down silvery grey, bare face, bill base and throat bright flesh-pink, underpart plumage soft downy white with faintest yellow wash, thereafter like female but paler, bright yellow underpart feathering intruding into softer, white plumage on each side of central sternum, iris dark grey-brown: immature male similar to adult female; subadult male like adult female, but with few to almost all feathers of adult male plumage intruding into female-like plumage.