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Home » Species » Passeriformes » Meliphagidae » Timeliopsis » Timeliopsis fulvigula - Schlegel, 1871
Timeliopsis fulvigula Schlegel, 1871
Family: MeliphagidaeGenus: Timeliopsis
Timeliopsis fulvigula Schlegel, 1871
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Olive Straight-bill, Olive Straight-billed/Mountain
Straight-billed Honeyeater, Mountain Straightbill
Nominate race is largely dark olive to dark grayish-olive, slightly paler below, with varying brownish tinge on top of head and stronger grayish tone on lores, supercilium and ear-coverts, more brownish-olive remiges and rectrices, remiges with olive-yellow edges, browner chin to breast, iris bright orange to red-brown, bill blackish-grey to black, sometimes paler grey base of lower mandible, legs grey-brown. Sexes alike in plumage, male slightly larger than female. Juvenile is like adult but greyer belowe, iris dark grey to dark brown. Races differ only subtly in tone of plumage meyeri is somewhat paler, less greenish above than nominate, with buffish-grey chin and upper throat. Fuscicapilla is very like previous, perhaps slightly darker.