Puffinus pacificus
The Wedge-tailed Shearwater is a grey-brown petrel with distinctive wedge-shaped tail. It has a grey bill and pink feet. Most of these birds in Australia are dark all over, but some are white breasted.
Not Threatened.
The Wedge-tailed Shearwater is a grey-brown petrel with distinctive wedge-shaped tail. It has a grey bill and pink feet. Most of these birds in Australia are dark all over, but some are white breasted.
40-45 cm
- Procellaria pacifica Gmelin, 1789, Pacific Ocean; restricted to Kermadec Island. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
- Tropical and subtropical Indian and Pacific Oceans: in Indian Ocean, breeds from Madagascar area E to W Australia; in Pacific, breeds from Japan S to E Australia, and E to Revillagigedo Is (off W Mexico), Marquas Is and Pitcairn I.
Oceans, islands off east and west coast of Australia.
Feeds on ocean, diving for fish.
Breeds in large colonies. Nests under sand in 1-2m long burrow. Nest lined with grass and feathers. 1 white egg.