Aerodramus nuditarsus
Large swiftlet with shallow tail-fork, dark brown above, rump uniform, with extensive pale fringes on lores and above eye. Uniformly sooty-grey underparts, apparently some variation in rami colouring. Bare tarsi, glossless upperparts and presence of 4 toes. No info for echolocation.
Not Threatened.
Large swiftlet with shallow tail-fork, dark brown above, rump uniform, with extensive pale fringes on lores and above eye. Uniformly sooty-grey underparts, apparently some variation in rami colouring. Bare tarsi, glossless upperparts and presence of 4 toes. No info for echolocation.
14 cm
- Collocalia nuditarsus Salomonsen, 1963, Baroka, Bioto Creek, New Guinea. Genus often merged into Collocalia. Sometimes treated as forming a superspecies with A. orientalis, and thence also linked with A. whiteheadi. Monotypic. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
- S & SE New Guinea. May breed N of central watershed in Schrader Range.
Collected mainly in highlands, though also as low as 30 m above sea-level.
Nothing known
Restricted range species.