Philemon cockerelli
New Britain Friarbird
Other common names: Bismarck/New Britain Fria(r)bird, New Britain Leatherhead
Taxonomy: Philemon cockerelli P. L. Sclater, 1877, New Britain.
Not Threatened
New Britain Friarbird
Other common names: Bismarck/New Britain Fria(r)bird, New Britain Leatherhead
Taxonomy: Philemon cockerelli P. L. Sclater, 1877, New Britain.
Forms a superspecies with P. fuscicapillus, P. subcorniculatus, P. moluccensis, P. plumigenis, P. buceroides, P. eichhorni and P. albitorques. Formerly suggested that all may belong to a single species. Treated as a race of P. buceroides by some authors. Two subspecies recognized.
(source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
Subspecies and Distribution:
umboi E. J. O. Hartert, 1926 - Umboi, in Bismarck Archipelago.
cockerelli P. L. Sclater, 1877 - New Britain and Duke of York Is, in Bismarck Archipelago.
Fruit, nectar and insect. Mainly in uppers canopy, at times descending to upper levels of middle stage of lower in dense secondary growth. Forages mainly in dense outer or upper foliage of crowns of trees, but sometimes in leafless trees. Often in flowering trees.