Melidectes torquatus
Male nominate race has head and neck largely black-brown, merging to dark brown with blackish mottling on hindneck, large patch of bright orange-yellow bare skin surrounding eye, bordered above by rufous0buff rear supercilium curving over and behind rear edge of orbital patch, large rufous-brown patch behind ear-coverts, pinkish red to red gape wattle, fine silvery streaking, on ear coverts, mantle, back and scapulars grayish-brown, broadly scaled off-white to pale grey, merging into brown on lower back, rump and uppertail-coverts, upperwing dark brown.
Not Threatened
Male nominate race has head and neck largely black-brown, merging to dark brown with blackish mottling on hindneck, large patch of bright orange-yellow bare skin surrounding eye, bordered above by rufous0buff rear supercilium curving over and behind rear edge of orbital patch, large rufous-brown patch behind ear-coverts, pinkish red to red gape wattle, fine silvery streaking, on ear coverts, mantle, back and scapulars grayish-brown, broadly scaled off-white to pale grey, merging into brown on lower back, rump and uppertail-coverts, upperwing dark brown, olive edges of R and faint olive edges on same greater coverts, all except inner few primaries with light brown tips, uppertail dark brown, faint olive edges of rectrices and diffuse pale tip, broad white crescentic patch across throat, bol black upper breast band bordered below by pale rufous-tinged brown lower breast and centre of upper belly, this grading to buff on centre of belly and to off white on rest of body, with bold black blotches on side of breast and belly and along flanks, and diffuse blackish mottling on undertail coverts, undertail brown, underwing very pale rufous-brown with brownish grey trailing edge and tip, iris blackish-brown, bill light blue-grey, becoming pale green-blue near base, legs blue grey. Female is similar in plumage to male but much smaller and bare parts somewhat duller, iris dark brown, bill steel-grey to pale blue, legs steel-grey, bare facial skin bright yellow, gape wattle slightly paler. Juvenileis like adult but duller, with less prominent pale scaling above, buff breast, dusky dark brotches on underbody, bill pinkish-grey with orange-yellow cutting edges and gape, legs grayish pink, gape wattle apparently as adult. Races differ mainly in presence or absence of throat wattle, in darkness of plumage, particularly rufous-brown on breast and siye of white throat patch.
23 cm, ano male 48 g and female 39-45 g, male 40-58 g and female 34-44 g
Taxonomy: Melidectes torquatus P. L. Sclater, 1874, Hatam, Arfak Mountains, Vogelkop Peninsula, north-west New Guinea. Study of relationships within genus needed. Present species and M. ochromelas, M. leucostephes, M. belfordi, M. rufocrissalis and M. foersteri comprise a group of relatively large species that differ from others in genus in size, morphology, plumage and voice. Six subspecies recognized (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
Lower and middle montane forest, forest edges, open secondary growth, scrub, gardens and cultivations, and trees in gardens or towns. Typically prefers semi-open habitats or secondary growth and other disturbed areas. From 950 m to 1900 m, 1200-1700 central ranges.
Diet invertebrates, mainly insect and their larvae, including Lepidoptera, buds, and beetles, also nectar and small fruit, and also take pulp from larger and har-shelled fruits opened by Rainbow Lorikeet. Needles from an introduce pine recorded in stomach contants. Forages from canopy to lower middle stage of forest and in flowering or fruiting trees, ocassionaly at ground level. Usually singly, in twos or in small groups.