Monarcha manadensis
A medium-sized, bluish black and white monarch. Entire head to bib on centre of breast, and UpP are glossy bluish-black, UpW black, except for browner primaries, and tail all black, UnP from side of breast downwards white, iris dark, bill pale greyish-blue with blackish tip, occasionally all black, legs whitish, grey or slate-grey. Sexes alike. Juvenile is similar to adult but black replaced by grey or greyish-brown, bib poorly defined, has pale brownish belly and flanks.
Not Threatened
Uncommon or locally common. Patchy distributed. Usually most numerous in flat areas.
A medium-sized, bluish black and white monarch. Entire head to bib on centre of breast, and UpP are glossy bluish-black, UpW black, except for browner primaries, and tail all black, UnP from side of breast downwards white, iris dark, bill pale greyish-blue with blackish tip, occasionally all black, legs whitish, grey or slate-grey. Sexes alike. Juvenile is similar to adult but black replaced by grey or greyish-brown, bib poorly defined, has pale brownish belly and flanks.
15-16.5 cm
Taxonomy: Muscicapa manadensis Quoy and Gaimard, 1830, Manokwari, north-west New Guinea. Monotypic. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
- New Guinea.
Lowland and hill forests to 375 m, locally to 1200m.
Insectivorous, hunting in mid-storey, understorey
Season Aug and Sept. Only a handful of nest found, built from dark plant fibres, fine roots and moss, lined with fine epiphyte roots, sometimes with darling tail, placed 1-1.65 m above ground in fork of saplings. Clutch 2 eggs, dark brown with darker spots at larger end. No other info.