Corvus woodfordi
Not Threatened
48-50 cm, 550 g
Taxonomy: Macrocorax woodfordi Ogilvie-Grant, 1887, Aola, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. Probably closest to C. meeki, C. fuscicapillus and C. tristis, all apparently forming part of an "old endemic" Melanesian group. May form a superspecies with C. meeki; sometimes treated as conspecific, but differs in bill and eye colours, nature of nasal bristles, and plumage gloss. Proposed race vegetus (described from S Santa Isabel) considered inadequately differentiated from those in rest of species' range. Monotypic. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
- Choiseul, Santa Isabel and Guadalcanal Is, in Solomon Is.
Eats the most grain, compared with other corvids, but will also eat fruit, insects and other invertebrates, eggs, garbage and carrion (dead animals). Often seen feeding along roads. Perches on the heads of crop plants or on tall artificial structures.