Astrapia mayeri
Endemic Near-threatened
Taxonomy: Astrapia mayeri Stonor, 1939, Mount Hagen, New Guinea. Intrageneric hybridization with A. stephaniae recorded; possible hybridization with A. splendidissima in W of range, but no confirmed records of such. Monotypic. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
- From Doma Peaks, upper Strickland R, Muller Range and Karius Range E to Porgera/Mt Liwaro highlands, Mt Hagen and Mt Giluwe.
Mostly fruits; also animals, including arthropods, frogs, lizards. Forages from canopy down to undergrowth, taking items on moss-covered tree trunks and limbs. Generally solitary, but also in pairs and trios.