Peneothello bimaculata
Male nomunate race is black except for white uppertail- coverts, white band from side of lower throat to side of upper breast and whitebelly; iris dark brown; bill and legs black. Female is similar to male, but black areas tinged brown. Immature is sooty black, with some upperwing- coverts washed brownish, some undertail- coverts tipped white. Race vicaria differs from nominate in having belly black.
Not Threatened
Male nomunate race is black except for white uppertail- coverts, white band from side of lower throat to side of upper breast and whitebelly; iris dark brown; bill and legs black. Female is similar to male, but black areas tinged brown. Immature is sooty black, with some upperwing- coverts washed brownish, some undertail- coverts tipped white. Race vicaria differs from nominate in having belly black.
13- 14 cm; 20- 27 g
Taxonomy: Myiolestes ? bimaculatus Salvadori, 1874, Putat, Arfak Mountains, New Guinea. Two subspecies recognized. (source: Handbook of the Birds of World)
Subspecies and Distribution:
- * bimaculata ( Salvadori, 1874) - Yapen I, Gauttier and Van Rees Mts, and S slopes of mountains of W, C & SE New Guinea. * vicaria ( De Vis, 1892) - Adelbert Mts, mountains of Huon Peninsula and N watershed of SE New Guinea (E to Mt Suckling and Mt Dayman).
Rainforest, mainly in hills and lower mountains, at 300- 1700 m, perhaps higher, usually 700- 1100 m; width of altitudinal zone withinwhich it is found varies from one location to another (100- 700 m), but usually narrow. Replaced at higher elevations by P. cyanus.
Insects and larvae, possibly also small earthworms. Frequents substage of forest. Food items obtained by making sally- strikes (c. 80% of observed attacks) and by gleaning (c. 20%), mainly on ground (c. 70%).
Adult males with enlarged gonads in Jul- Aug. No other information.