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Aleadryas rufinucha Sclater, PL, 1874
Family: PachycephalidaeGenus: Aleadryas
Nominate race has head and hindneck grey, rufous nape patch; upperparts dull yellowish- olive, flight- feathers blackish- brown, edged dull yellowish- olive, upperwing- coverts dull yellowish- olive, tail olive- brown; centre of chin dull white, throat yellow, centre of breast and belly white to creamy white, diffusely separated from olive sides of breast and belly and flanks, thighs dusky brown; iris whitish, buffy, yellowish or dark brown; bill black; legs brownish- grey to grey. Sexes alike; iris colour apparently palest in adult male. Juvenile is extensively reddish- chestnut, with iris dark brown, bill dark horn- brown; immature like adult but duller, nape and upperparts olive- green, head only slightly greyer, white underparts mottled olive. Race niveifrons has nape patch larger than nominate, upperparts olive- green, forehead white with dark feather centres; gamblei is similar to previous, but dark centres of forehead feathers more extensive, underparts tinged brown; lochmia is also similar, but upperparts darker, flanks grey. Voice: Song of clear ringing whistles or upslurs, either alternating between notes or repeated monotonously for extensive periods. Call is a loud, harsh hiss.