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Cinclosoma ajax Temminck, 1836
Family: CinclosomatidaeGenus: Cinclosoma
Male nominate race is rusty brown above; side of head from lores to neck side black, broad with patch from base of lower mandible back to below ear- coverts and across side of throat to side of hindneck; remiges dark olive- brown, outer webs edged rusty brown, bases of primaries black upperwing- coverts mostly black, outer primary coverts blackish- brown, lesser coverts rusty brown; central rectrices olive- brown, other rectrices black, outer two pairs broadly tipped white; chin, throat centre und upper breast black, breast side and flanks bright rufous- brown, centre of lower breast and belly white and separated from flanks by broken black stripes; undertail- coverts white, some feathers tipped black; iris pale orange; bill black; legs pale pinkish. Female is smaller than male, has crown and upperparts olive- brown, side of head dark brown with long whitish supercilium duller in front of eye, feathers at bend of wing and primary coverts black with small white ups, chin and throat white, upper breast and flanks rich rufous- brown, center of lower breast and belly off- white, iris rufous- brown. Immature resembles female, but iris paler. Race muscale is similar to nominante, but flanks paller, less bright; alore is liker pervious, but upperparts much paler; goldiei is like last but upperparts paler still, flanks brighter, female with reduced spotting in wing.