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Gerygone chrysogaster Gray, GR, 1858
Family: AcanthizidaeGenus: Gerygone
Nominate race is brownish-olive above, upperwing an tail browner, greyer on cheek , with narrow pale supraloral stripe, thin pale eyering almost broken at sides; chin, throat and breast greyish-white, quite well demarcated from pale yellow belly, flanks, vent and undertail-coverts; iris red-brown; bill black; legs pale horn to fleshy purple. Sexes alike. Juvenile has ear-coverts greyer, less brownish, than adult. Races vary in general coloration; neglecta has entire underside washed very pale yellow, colour strongest on flanks; notata appears brown, not olive, above and whitish below, with horn-coloured bill; dohertyi greener above than nominate, with browner cheeks, faint pale margins on some wing-coverts, paler yellow below; leucothorax intermediate between previous and nominate.