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Grallina bruijni Salvadori, 1876
Family: MonarchidaeGenus: Grallina
Male has white line above eye, large white patch from ear-coverts down to side of neck; rest of head, upperparts to rump, and throat and breast black; uppertail-coverts and undertail-coverts pale buff, tail buffy white basally with broad black subterminal band; upperwing black, most of secondary wing-coverts white; lower underparts white, undersurface of wing black, iris dark brown; bill lead-grey to pale blue-gray, tip whitish; legs blue-grey. Female differs from male in having black head with white band extending from base of bill through and above eye and expanding onto side of neck; breast and underwing-cover white; flanks and lower abdomen pale buff. Juvenile is similar to female, but has area between bill and eye black, and remaining dark areas of plumage very dark brown (instead of black).