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Lichenostomus obscurus De Vis, 1897
Family: MeliphagidaeGenus: Lichenostomus
Other common names: Lemon-cheeked Honeyeater
Taxonomy: Ptilotis obscura De Vis, 1897, Mount Scratchley, south-east New Guinea.
Nominate race has forehead and forecrown dusky grey, merging to olive-grey on hindcrown to hindneck, and to blackish on upper side of neck behind eye, face distinctively marked with varying off white to yellow gape and triangular patch on lores, which meets narrow yellowish partial orbital ring under eye., pal eyellow to yellow patch or tuft on upper ear-coverts extending forewards to meet orbital ring beneath eye, and bordered behind by large white patch on ise of neck, dark grey stripe across malar area and lower ear/coverts, narrowly and incompletely separated from dark grey side of lower throat by yellow throat by yellow line curving up to towards ear/coverts from yellow chin and upper throat, upperparts olive-brown to brownish/olive, diffusely mottled darker brown on mantle and upper throat.